
Gamgalon's organization included Falmal, a male Krish. He held a position of authority as one of Gamgalon's most reliable lieutenants and was frequently given important responsibilities. In 7 ABY, Gamgalon initiated a Morodin hunt on the planet Varonat. This safari served as a front for his illicit activities within the Great Jungle, and Falmal was placed in charge of leading these expeditions.

During 8 ABY, Falmal guided an expedition into the jungle that included Syndic Pandis Hart along with Captain Seoul. Falmal's suspicions about the two began to grow, and he was correct to be wary. These Humans were actually the smugglers Talon Karrde and Quelev Tapper, who were attempting to infiltrate Gamgalon's operation. A confrontation ensued with Gamgalon and his Krish, resulting in Tapper's death. Subsequently, both Falmal and Gamgalon were killed by Celina Marniss, a hyperdrive mechanic working for Karrde in Tropis-on-Varonat.


Falmal, a male Krish, was a criminal and gun-runner associated with the organization managed by Gamgalon, another Krish. The operation was rather small and struggled financially, with Falmal functioning as Gamgalon's lieutenant, often overseeing field operations and acting as an enforcer. Eventually, Gamgalon started doing business with Jabba the Hutt. This relationship plunged the Krish organization into substantial debt, eventually leading them to become part of Jabba's smuggling network. After Jabba's death at the hands of Luke Skywalker in 4 ABY, Gamgalon decided to operate independently once more.

In 7 ABY, Gamgalon established his base of operations on the planet Varonat, located within the Ison Corridor. It was discovered that the slime trails left by the native Morodins caused a chemical reaction in aleudrupe berries, which, when mixed with rethan-K and promhassic triaxli, created a blaster fuel as potent as spin-sealed Tibanna gas. All three components were legal and harmless on their own, easily passing through customs inspections. Within Varonat's Great Jungle, Gamgalon began planting Yagaran aleudrupe plant alongside the Morodin slime trails, marking the locations using transpond markers. To mask these activities, Gamgalon organized safaris to hunt Morodins. Falmal was given the responsibility of leading these expeditions, assisted by a Human named Buzzy and a Rodian named Jombo.

During 8 ABY, Falmal led a safari expedition into the jungle that consisted of two Duros, a Thennqora, a Saffa, and two Humans. Traveling aboard Aratech Arrow-17 airspeeders, Falmal was accompanied by the two Humans: Syndic Pandis Hart and Captain Seoul of Sif-Uwana. Hart inquired about the frequency of the hunts and the likelihood of actually acquiring a trophy. Falmal reassured Hart of his chances of success.

After departing from the base camp, the expedition trekked through the jungle for several hours. During a rest stop, Hart and Seoul showed interest in a Yagaran aleudrupe plant growing alongside a slime trail, raising Falmal's suspicions. He attributed the unusual presence of a non-native plant to previous hunters dropping aleudrupe berries during their visit. He quickly ended the break and continued hiking for several more hours before establishing camp. Along with Buzzy and Jombo, he helped the inexperienced hunters set up their tents.

As the camp was being set up, the distinct growl of a Morodin was heard from the jungle. Falmal instructed the group to split into the three-person teams that had been formed on the airspeeder ride to camp, with each group heading into the jungle at different points. Falmal led Hart and Seoul, tracking slime trails and discovering that at least three Morodins were in the immediate vicinity. Falmal and the Humans encountered a single Morodin, and Falmal instructed Hart to shoot it. The Syndic hesitated, and two of the other hunters, Tamish the Thennquora and Cob-caree the Saffa, killed the creature.

Shortly afterward, Hart and Seoul vanished from camp, and Falmal, suspecting them of being spies or saboteurs, contacted Gamgalon. Together with several other Krish, they found the pair observing a herd of Morodins. The two Humans revealed themselves to be smugglers Talon Karrde and Quelev Tapper, and Gamgalon revealed the extent of his operation to them, including bribing the local governor to ignore the Morodin hunts. Gamgalon decided to kill them to prevent any leaks about his operation. Tapper attempted to flee and was subsequently killed by one of the Krish. Gamgalon ordered two Krish to take Karrde, and the group began walking into the jungle. Suddenly, they heard Morodin growls all around them; Gamgalon ordered the Krish holding Karrde to spread out into the jungle, and directed Falmal to take hold of the smuggler. As they approached the Krish's airspeeders, Falmal was struck by a thrown knife that pierced his side. As Gamgalon turned around to find the attacker, he was shot in the chest. Karrde had been rescued by Celina Marniss, a hyperdrive mechanic he had hired to repair his ship in Trois-on-Varonat, and the two escaped Varonat.

Personality and traits

Falmal possessed red hair and light purple skin. As one of Gamgalon's most trusted and long-serving lieutenants, Falmal consistently showed respect to his boss, addressing him as "my liege." He was protective of Gamgalon's operations and would do anything to ensure their continuation. He correctly suspected that Talon Karrde and Quelev Tapper were not entirely truthful during their safari, believing they intended to disrupt the operation rather than seeking a share. Falmal was an avid hunter and enjoyed the strategic aspects of the sport. Consequently, he was skilled in tracking and jungle survival. He carried a blaster rifle and a pack of survival equipment.

Behind the scenes

Falmal's first appearance was in First Contact, written by Timothy Zahn and published in West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 1. Peter M. Schweighofer provided additional RPG material, and Mike Vilardi created the artwork. First Contact was later reprinted in Tales from the Empire, The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issues 1-4, and Hyperspace.

