Fleet tender

Non-combatant capital ships known as fleet tenders supported fleet forces such as the Imperial Navy and the New Republic Defense Force. Their primary function was to transport military supplies along interstellar routes, ensuring that front-line vessels were consistently restocked.

While detailed information on Imperial fleet tenders like the Moff Weblin remains scarce, it is documented that Star Galleon-class cargo/escort frigates, measuring 300 meters, served as support vessels for Star Destroyers under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The spectrum of cargo ships within an Imperial Force Support ranged from small corvettes to enormous Field Secured Container Vessels.

During the New Republic's initial years, a lack of appropriate vessels led to the repurposing of combat warships, such as the Larkhess, for cargo transport after their crews were removed. Later, the Hajen-class tenders became a standard element of the New Class Modernization Program, utilizing the same 375-meter hull as the Sacheen-class light escorts and sharing the same rapid hyperdrive capabilities.

The Hajen-class ships featured a high degree of automation and a minimal crew of just six individuals, supplemented by a substantial contingent of droids. In contrast, Imperial ships such as the Moff Weblin likely had significantly less automation, with crews comprising a captain, a chief engineer, and at least two duty watches.

The increased significance of Fleet tenders within the New Republic was partly due to a shift in capital ship design principles. The Imperial Navy's vessels were designed for self-sufficiency. Star Destroyers could operate for several years without needing resupply, and smaller cruisers could function independently for a year or more—even up to two years for a Dreadnaught Cruiser or an escort frigate. Conversely, none of the New Class designs could operate for more than a few months before requiring resupply. In practice, New Republic fleets were continuously replenished by a flow of Hajen-class ships traveling between patrol zones and rear-echelon bases.

However, this tactic rendered New Republic military supply lines susceptible to attack, which may partially explain the return to older, more self-reliant Imperial-style capital ship designs during and after the Yuuzhan Vong invasion.

