Fold space represented a Force power enabling a Force-user to manipulate space to achieve instantaneous object transportation between distinct locations. This mode of teleportation found utilization among the Aing-Tii, an enigmatic species inhabiting a planet situated within the Kathol Rift. This method empowered the practitioner to employ the Force to teleport any entity, including themselves, from one locale to another.
During 43.5 ABY, Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and his offspring, Jedi Knight Ben Skywalker, journeyed to the Aing-Tii homeworld, where Luke received instruction in this technique from Tadar'Ro. Abeloth put this skill to use during a battle against a combined force of Sith and Jedi during 44 ABY.
In 45 ABY, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo leveraged this ability to get closer to the Qrephs while they were within the Monolith.
Fold space also had an application known as "Aura of Freedom," which granted the user and nearby comrades the capacity to withstand being moved against their will via the Force.
The initial appearance of Fold space occurred in Dark Empire 3, where Vima-Da-Boda used teleportation to escape from Leia Solo in a cloud of white mist. It then reappeared as an unnamed Force power in the 1998 novel Vision of the Future, authored by Timothy Zahn. Its identification as "Fold space" was first made in the Jedi Academy Training Manual, a companion piece for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, which saw release on May 19, 2009.