Tadar'Ro, an Aing-Tii of the male variety, functioned as the Aing-Tii's link to Luke and Ben Skywalker around 43.5 ABY. Before this, he served a similar role for both Jorj Car'das and Jacen Solo during their respective periods spent with the Aing-Tii.
Tadar'Ro's aspiration was that the Skywalkers might assist in bringing the Aing-Tii back together, as they had split into two warring groups due to a prophecy from an Aing-Tii Prophet. Tadar'Ro guided Luke and Ben to the Embrace, the location where all Aing-Tii Relics were stored. While Aing-Tii were prohibited from interacting with these artifacts, this restriction did not apply to outsiders. Tadar'Ro was of the opinion that contact with a particular artifact by the Skywalkers would result in a revelation, thereby resolving the Aing-Tii's internal conflict. Despite this hope, the pair discovered no solution and departed the Aing-Tii homeworld not long after.
Due to his inability to communicate in Basic, he relied on a translator for conversations with Luke Skywalker and Ben Skywalker. Additionally, he initially struggled with certain human gestures, like head-nodding, but improved with practice while in Luke's company. Furthermore, he consistently addressed individuals by their complete names. As an illustration, instead of a simple "Hello Luke," his greeting would be "Hello Luke Skywalker."