The Force 57 was a political group within the Lost Tribe of Sith located on Kesh around 3000 BBY, a time marked by significant unrest. They drew their inspiration from the stories surrounding the original Red Sith who had once lived on Kesh. In 3000 BBY, details about the first 57 non-Human individuals who were crew members of the Omen were largely unknown, as Seelah Korsin had actively worked to erase their memory. However, Keshiri legends described these initial Omen crew members as being somehow deformed, the opposite of Seelah's perfect Human specimens. During the Time of the Rot, a faction emerged that deeply respected the memory of those original 57. All members of this faction, even those with the fewest natural blemishes, intentionally inflicted themselves with numerous scars. They held Ravilan Wroth in high regard, believing him to be the leader of these Different Ones, and they harbored hatred for the Korsin family because they believed they treated Gloyd as if he were merely a pet.
In 3000 BBY, the Force 57 was present at Tahv, the former capital, during the event of Testament Day. It was on this day that the Testament of Yaru Korsin, the founder of the Lost Tribe and Seelah's husband, was recited. That year, the Caretaker, Varner Hilts, made a discovery: an older recording hidden beneath Korsin's Testament. This recording revealed that the Tribe's ancestors were actually slaves who served the Sith Empire. The gathered Sith also learned that the original 57 were, in fact, members of the red-skinned Sith species. This revelation horrified the Force 57, and they felt ashamed of their slave origins. The discovery of the Tribe's true history sparked a series of violent uprisings and murders known as the Great Crisis, which caused instability on Keshtah Minor. The Force 57 became fractured by internal conflict, leading to the organization's dissolution amidst the chaos.
Neera, their leader, was one of the survivors. She allied herself with other Sith, including Edell Vrai and Korsin Bentado. These Sith aimed to destroy the ancient Sith starship Omen in an attempt to eliminate their "shameful" past. However, Varner Hilts intervened and dissuaded them by revealing the existence of maps indicating a second continent called Alanciar. He then persuaded the various Sith factions to put aside their differences and unite in a conquest of Alanciar. Consequently, the other Sith, including Neera, yielded to Hilts' leadership and chose him as their new Grand Lord.