This thread is dedicated to reporting any malfunctions discovered on Wookieepedia. To assist editors and Fandom personnel in pinpointing the origins of problems and enabling more efficient fixes, please supply detailed information, including the specific page(s) where you encountered the issue, your OS, and your web browser. Alternatively, you have the option to report any bugs through the #fandom-feedback channel located on Wookieepedia's Discord server.
After a bug's fix has been confirmed, it will be archived to maintain organization. Should you believe a bug was archived prematurely and remains unresolved, please feel free to restore it to this page for continued discussion.
Currently, when an article section is edited, providing an edit summary results in the edit history failing to display the edited section. Previously, the section name was added at the beginning of the editor-provided edit summary, as illustrated in this edit summary from the year 2017. However, if the editor omits the edit summary, the section name continues to be displayed, as demonstrated in this summary from just a short while ago.
On Wikipedia, when a section is edited, the section name is automatically entered in the edit summary field within C-style comment markers, such as /* Behind the scenes */. Editors can then add to this summary or remove it to prevent the section name from appearing in the edit summary. I am unsure if this was also the method employed by Wookieepedia in 2017 and earlier. Asithol (talk) 00:41, 30 November 2023 (UTC)
- Adding the section name manually within /* and */ does successfully include it in the edit summary, as evidenced by the edit I am currently making. However, editors should not be required to remember to perform this action each time they edit a section; the field should be automatically populated in this manner. Asithol ( talk ) 00:44, 30 November 2023 (UTC)