The sacred text of the Ssi-ruuvi religion was known as the G'nnoch.
The creation story, as told in the G'nnoch, states that at the universe's genesis, four eggs came into existence. The first egg's hatching brought forth Ssi and P'w'itthki. The progeny of Ssi emerged from the second egg, while the offspring of P'w'itthki hatched from the third. The fourth egg was set aside for those Ssi-ruuk deemed worthy of a place in the afterlife. In time, Ssi engaged P'w'itthki in battle and triumphed. Following his loss, Ssi permitted P'w'itthki's offspring to exist, but only if they served Ssi's children for the remainder of time. This legend explained the origins of the bond between the Ssi-ruuk (Ssi's offspring) and the P'w'ecks (P'w'itthki's offspring). Furthermore, the myth established the Ssi-ruuk as superior to all other sapient beings.
Within the G'nnoch was also a prediction about the advent of a multi-colored Ssi-ruu, whose appearance would trigger the collapse of Ssi-ruuvi society. This foretelling was ultimately fulfilled with the birth of the individual known as the Keeramak.