
Gaffa was a sergeant among the clone troopers; he was chosen to be a clone engineer and served the Galactic Republic as part of the 38th Armored Division throughout the Clone Wars. Sometime during the war, Gaffa participated in a space battle alongside Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and the rest of his unit, fighting against Separatist forces. The Republic was defeated in the battle, compelling the Jedi and clone troopers to escape while being chased by Vulture droids. Droid starfighters inflicted damage on the ship carrying the Republic survivors, leading to battle droids boarding the vessel. Nevertheless, thanks to the Jedi's combat abilities, the 38th Armored Division rapidly transformed their damaged A5-RX battle tank into a battle platform, which they then utilized to fend off the boarders and eliminate the forces pursuing them.

