
The Gahenna represented a transformed core ship from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, having been reworked into a vessel dedicated to scientific pursuits.


Approximately four months after the commencement of the Clone Wars, the Gahenna received a substantial amount of equipment originating from a clandestine Separatist research center located on Queyta. Notably, this was the same facility responsible for the creation of Jenna Zan Arbor's infamous swamp gas. For almost two years, the Gahenna journeyed throughout the Outer Rim territories, focused on the creation of an evolved toxic agent identified as the defoliant Trihexalophine1138. Vital data pertaining to this weapon was archived within the Gahenna's Scientific Instrument Package, or SIP.

During 20 BBY, the Gahenna received orders to travel to Naboo with the intention of conducting field tests of the newly developed defoliant weapon. However, the Republic uncovered this scheme, resulting in the Gahenna being shot down above Honoghr. The Gahenna suffered complete destruction, and its hazardous payload was released upon the unsuspecting inhabitants of the planet.

