Galaxy Ways, a place of amusement, stood proudly on the planet known as Aralia. Guests could find a wide selection of experiences, including rides, stores, restaurants, and comfortable hotels. Ronnie the Rocketpack Rodent served as the park's beloved mascot. Unfortunately, the park encountered significant issues with the native Ranat population of Aralia. Although the park's management initially succeeded in controlling the rodents, the creatures eventually launched a large-scale attack.
Located on the planet of Aralia, Galaxy Ways was a resort destination. It boasted a diverse set of attractions such as exciting rides, dining establishments, hotels, and shopping outlets. Due to frequent Ranat sightings, certain areas of the park were often temporarily closed. The park's mascot was the famous character Ronnie the Rocketpack Rodent. The shops within the park sold various Ronnie-themed items, including complete costumes.
Following the completion of another project, Project Aralia, the developers chose Aralia as the location for Galaxy Ways. Subsequently, significant portions of the planet's land were dedicated to tourism and resort development. Galaxy Ways played a key role in presenting Aralia as a destination offering unique rides, upscale dining, and affordable shopping, attracting visitors from across the galaxy.
However, the Ranat population of Aralia continued to expand their underground networks beneath the park. The management of Galaxy Ways was unaware that the new resort had inadvertently created a new food source for the rodent-like species: its own visitors. As the problem became clear, the park's administrators attempted to deal with the Ranats through extermination efforts, but the exterminators were killed. They then implemented a rapid-response protocol, closing sections of the park where Ranat activity was detected.
During one particular off-season, these measures proved ineffective. Multiple Ranat tribes united and devised a comprehensive attack on the park and its guests. They began by severing the park's power supply using their sharp teeth, and then disabled any starships near the park. Finally, they launched their assault, with ten Ranats attacking each guest.
The Ranats abducted as many tourists as they could, leaving behind only bloodied clothing fragments, claw marks, and terrified screams to alert the remaining visitors. The park's guests were unarmed and defenseless. Survival became the only priority.
Galaxy Ways is featured as an adventure idea in the Star Wars Gamemaster Screen, a West End Games product designed for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The adventure places the player characters inside the park as visitors who must find a way to escape the Ranat hordes and reach safety. Bill Olmesdahl, the book's author, suggests that the adventure should evoke the atmosphere of a zombie film, with the characters constantly fearing being eaten by the ghoulish Ranats. However, he acknowledges that this scenario may be too intense for some gaming groups and offers alternative options. For example, he suggests that instead of being driven by hunger, the Ranats could have adopted Ronnie the Rocketpack Rodent as their new deity. In this case, they would be stealing Ronnie-themed merchandise, including anyone wearing a full Rocketpack Rodent costume.