Project Aralia

title: Project Aralia

Aralia, a planet, was the location of Project Aralia, which was an amusement park. Hayzo Trebors led a team of developers who were drawn to Aralia as a potential site for a planetary amusement park because it was believed to be uninhabited. Trebors obtained the required permissions from Governor Targan of Rydar II, which was located in the same sector. The construction of the park, which was to be known as "Project Aralia," began a short time before the Battle of Yavin.

During the construction phase, the park encountered a significant obstacle: Ranats, an intelligent species of rodents who had an uncontrollable urge to chew on anything. The construction manager informed Trebors of the issue, and he brought in pest control experts. However, the exterminators were discovered dead, apparently killed by the very creatures they had been hired to eradicate. The orchestrated killing of the offworlders served as evidence of the Ranats' intelligence, and as a result, Trebors needed an Imperial permit in order to proceed with their extermination. Trebors chose to persuade Governor Targan that the rodents were only semi-sentient, making them fair game for self-defense, rather than attempting to demonstrate that they were "useless and undesirable," as was the sentient species law of the Empire. The government gave its approval, and the park was eventually finished.

When Galaxy Ways, another amusement park, debuted on Aralia, a large portion of the planet's surface was set aside for resort development. However, the developments were still plagued by Ranat infestation issues.


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