Galliwig, a Human male, was the proprietor of Galliwig's Cantina. This cantina featured corner booths and was infamous for its music, which many patrons found grating. Loh'khar the Finder, a Twi'lek free-trader, utilized this cantina as his base of operations during the Galactic Civil War, always occupying the same booth for ease of access for his clientele. It was within this cantina that Loh'khar secured a deal for three Turazza eggs; these eggs subsequently hatched into three sisters, who were then named Rizzal, Vizzal, and Nizzal by the Twi'lek.
The short story Turazza Eggs by Peter M. Schweighofer featured Galliwig's cantina. This story was included in The DarkStryder Campaign, a publication by West End Games released in 1995.