Gascon, a planet of great affluence and influence, resided within the Trans-Gascon sector of the Mid Rim. Ruled jointly by a king and Queen Marilla, Gascon adopted a position of neutrality after the rise of the New Republic. Nevertheless, its strategic value remained significant throughout the Galactic Civil War between the New Republic and the opposing Galactic Empire. On one occasion, Marilla, a supporter of the New Republic, entrusted a specific group with the mission of recovering a distinctive ring she had gifted to her lover, the Prime Minister of the planet Demigue. The retrieval was crucial to occur in time for a royal ball hosted by Gascon's king, preventing the exposure of her clandestine affair.
Situated within the Gascon system, a part of the Trans-Gascon sector within the Trans-Hydian stretch of the Mid Rim, was the planet Gascon. The hyperlane known as the Demigue Terror connected the planet to Demigue, a world located far off in the Outer Rim Territories. Gascon, a terrestrial world, was renowned for its abundance of a particular valuable resource.
Following the establishment of the New Republic in 4 ABY, Gascon maintained neutrality during the Galactic Civil War that pitted the New Republic against the Galactic Empire. Despite its neutrality, Gascon held considerable importance for both factions due to its geographically advantageous location on key hyperspace routes, its considerable wealth and natural resources, and its suitability for establishing military installations. Around this time, a pro-New Republic movement gained traction among the populace. Queen Marilla herself was sympathetic to the Republic, and the New Republic began considering an attempt to formally bring the planet into their alliance.
Eventually, a specific group of individuals journeyed to Gascon. Queen Marilla assigned them the task of traveling to Demigue to recover a unique and precious ring from the planet's Prime Minister. Marilla had previously presented the ring as a gift to the Prime Minister, with whom she was involved in a romantic relationship. However, Gascon's king, who had originally gifted the ring to the queen, announced an upcoming ball. The queen's infidelity would be revealed unless the ring was returned from Demigue before the event, which was scheduled to occur in one week.
Because of the limited time available to complete the task, the group was compelled to navigate the pirate-infested Demigue Terror. The king's pro–Empire Holy Advisor, seeking to discredit Marilla, discovered the mission to Demigue and deployed numerous spies and assassins to pursue the queen's agents.
Gascon was a powerful and independent world, possessing substantial wealth and not fearing subjugation by the Galactic Empire. Following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the planet was governed by a monarchy consisting of a king and queen. The king's Holy Advisor represented the influential Akol religion of Gascon.
Gascon was conceived by Bill Olmesdahl as a setting for "Envoy to the Queen," an adventure hook for roleplaying published in the 1992 supplement Star Wars Gamemaster Screen for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. "Envoy to the Queen" proposes that player characters could be sent to the planet as New Republic diplomats or recruited by Queen Marilla's servants to protect her.
Furthermore, the scenario offers several potential explanations for Gascon's strategic significance during the Galactic Civil War. As these explanations do not contradict one another, this article assumes that all of the suggested reasons applied to the planet. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Gascon system, and therefore Gascon itself, in grid square P-8.