
The GAT-12i "Skipray" belonged to the GAT Blastboat series, manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems.


This GAT-12i "Skipray" blastboat measured twenty-five meters in length. It incorporated a Class 2 hyperdrive system alongside a navigation computer that could only store four hyperspace jumps. This vessel could attain velocities of 1,200 kilometers per hour when operating within an atmosphere.

A crew of four was necessary to operate it, and it boasted a significant arsenal. This included three medium ion cannons, a pair of laser cannons, one proton torpedo launcher, and also a concussion missile launcher.


Within the GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats line, the GAT-12i "Skipray" proved to be among the most favored models. It was produced by Sienar Fleet Systems and used by the Galactic Empire.

The GAT-12i served as an early improved version of the GAT-12h. However, the Empire's procurement was limited, deploying them across just a handful of regional sectors.


  • The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 27 (SKI 1-2: Desert Skiff)
  • Skipray blastboat in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
