
The GAT-12j "Skipray" represents a model within the GAT Blastboat series, manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems.


The "Skipray" GAT-12j blastboat measured twenty-five meters in length. It incorporated a Class 2 hyperdrive system, along with a navigation computer that could only calculate a maximum of four consecutive hyperspace jumps. In atmosphere, the GAT-12j could achieve speeds of 1,200 kilometers per hour.

A crew of four was required to operate the vessel. Its armaments were substantial, consisting of three medium ion cannons, a pair of laser cannons, a proton torpedo launcher, in addition to a concussion missile launcher.

Compared to the preceding GAT-12h model, the GAT-12j featured larger ammunition storage and a more balanced distribution of gunnery responsibilities.


The GAT-12j "Skipray" gained considerable popularity as a version of the GAT-12 Skipray Blastboats. Sienar Fleet Systems produced it for the Galactic Empire.

Serving as the final iteration of the GAT-12h, the GAT-12j entered production in the months leading up to the Battle of Endor, with its official release occurring several weeks after that pivotal engagement.

By the year 9 ABY, the GAT-12j Skipray had become the most frequently encountered variant in active service.


  • Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
  • Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Three
  • The Star Wars Planets Collection
  • Flashpoint! Brak Sector
  • The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
  • Pirates & Privateers
  • The Far Orbit Project
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 133 (SKI 3-4: Skipray Blastboat)
  • Skipray blastboat in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
