The Gazaran, referred to individually as a Gazar, were a sentient species that lived in the trees of Veron, their planet of origin.
These cold-blooded, bipedal creatures possessed thin membranes that stretched from their ribs to their hands and feet, enabling them to glide between the trees of their native world. Specialized muscles controlled these membranes, allowing them to precisely maneuver in flight. Gazaran also possessed sharp claws, making them excellent climbers. As herbivores, their diet primarily consisted of fruits, nuts, and berries. They gave birth to live young, following a gestation period of 133 days, and the infants required nursing.
Residing within the rain forests of Veron, the Gazaran possessed very little advanced technology when the Galactic Empire came to power. Their society was dominated by females, who were highly valued and protected due to their role in reproduction. Because they lived in the trees, they possessed an unfounded fear of the dark ground beneath their settlements. Gazaran were known to be superstitious and exhibited nervous behaviors.