Ghost (clone trooper)

Ghost, a male clone trooper within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic, existed during the Clone Wars. Seeking to abandon the conflict in 22 BBY, he became involved in a scheme orchestrated by Galactic Republic Commander Griebs Kishpaugh to desert to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. To secure their defection, they attempted to ignite warfare on the planet of Oznek, but Sergeant Banks, exposed their plan, ultimately killing Ghost for his betrayal.


Early life

Ghost was a male Human clone trooper, created on Kamino to serve the Galactic Republic. At the outbreak of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, Ghost was among the millions of clones comprising the Republic's Grand Army of the Republic; however, he distinguished himself by adorning his armor with blue markings on his helmet and shoulders, and also by growing a beard. He carried a scar over his right eye, and the back of his helmet was damaged as well, indicating he had been wounded at some point. Ghost, being among the oldest clones in the army, felt himself aging even within the first year of the war. The constant fighting wore him down, and he grew unwilling to continue sacrificing himself for the Republic.

Mission to Oznek

Ghost betrays his brothers and kills Syke.

Later in 22 BBY, Ghost allied himself with Commander Griebs Kishpaugh, who similarly desired to abandon the Republic. Reaching out to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, they learned that their escape would cost them: the CIS wanted control of the planet of Oznek, a world strategically important for conquering the surrounding sector. Consequently, Ghost and Kishpaugh devised a mission to Oznek, assembling a squad of clone troopers under the command of Sergeant Banks, a "shiny" clone on his first mission who they both believed would unquestioningly follow their orders.

Soon after, the squad was in a Low Altitude Assault Transport flying over Oznek's forests, ostensibly on a routine reconnaissance mission. Syke, one of the clones, ridiculed their new sergeant for meticulously cleaning his armor and weapons, a sight that amused Ghost. Banks rebuked Syke for his behavior, threatening him with writing an extensive report on regulation protocols. Shortly thereafter, their ship came under intense fire. Despite the area being supposedly free of Confederate forces, they encountered a substantial droid army, which shot them down. This marked the first instance of Ghost and Kishpaugh deliberately providing false intelligence to their teammates.

The LAAT crashed, resulting in the deaths of the pilot and several clones upon impact. Syke managed to escape the wreckage through a hatch, only to be confronted by hundreds of B1 and B2 battle droids advancing towards them. Armed with his blaster rifle, Ghost and the remaining clones defended themselves against the attacking droids while simultaneously tending to their wounded and burying their dead. Eventually, the relentless waves of droids subsided, and the surviving seven clones concealed their trail by detonating a thermal detonator. Establishing a camp in the woods, Syke attempted to repair and utilize a communications array, but his efforts proved futile. After Crazy Legs inquired and Syke encouraged him, Banks demonstrated the origin of his nickname— an unusual ability to calculate angles and bank his blaster bolts off of objects without losing their strength and still hitting his target. They were then contacted via holoprojector by Commander Kishpaugh after Syke managed to get the array working. Kishpaugh informed them that there was a droid command center twenty kilometers away, and that they were to secure it despite their losses. He then ordered Ghost and the rest of the clone troopers from the shelter, speaking with Banks alone.

Before sunrise, Ghost and the others departed, leaving Crazy Legs behind due to a broken leg sustained in the crash. They navigated through the forest, encountering perilous terrain and wildlife, ultimately losing another clone to a predatory animal. During their journey, Syke recounted a war story from the early days of the conflict and then asked Ghost for a story of his own, pointing out damage on the back of Ghost's helmet, but the older clone declined. Cutter, leading the way, then drew the others' attention to an ancient city in ruins. The clones noted that their scanners had failed to detect any trace of the large settlement—another deception orchestrated by Kishpaugh—and soon found themselves surrounded by Toma, the native sentient species of Oznek. With their hands bound, the clones braced themselves for execution after the Toma's leader issued the order, but they were interrupted by another droid attack. Banks requested that the Toma sever their bonds so they could fight together, and the Toma complied. Ghost and the others retrieved their weapons and fought back the droids, but Cutter realized that Banks had to complete their mission. He told the sergeant to take Ghost and Syke, while he and the other surviving clone trooper held off the droids. Banks said that he wouldn't leave Cutter behind, but when Cutter pointed out that the Toma couldn't be allowed to live either, Ghost and the others fled.

Ghost is killed by Banks.

Reaching the facility targeted by Kishpaugh, Ghost eliminated the two guards outside, enabling them to infiltrate the building undetected. They proceeded through the corridors, encountering minimal resistance, a fact that Banks later found suspicious. Once inside the main area of the facility, Banks instructed Syke and Ghost to search for signs of Separatist technology. Syke quickly realized that something was amiss, noting that the facility did not match the description they had been given. Ghost immediately shot Syke in the back.

Banks was stunned, and Ghost casually explained that Syke had to be eliminated because he was unaware of their true objective: to destroy the facility, not secure it. The building was not a droid command center but a power plant. Banks continued to question Ghost, expressing his desire to end wars, not initiate them. Ghost spun around and fired his blaster rifle at Banks, declaring that he no longer needed him. Bank fell backward, the blast grazing his helmet across the visor. Banks attempted to shoot Ghost using his "banking" ability, but the elder clone had already slipped out of sight. Banks wanted to know why Ghost would betray his training and brothers, asking if his mind had gone defective from age, but Ghost told him that he had merely gained clarity and no longer wished to die.

Banks ambushed Ghost, but Ghost anticipated the move and threw a grenade at the sergeant, which detonated directly in front of him. Though battered and wounded, Banks remained alive, but Ghost was determined to prevent his survival. As he explained that their sabotage would push Oznek into the embrace of the Separatists, he climbed atop Banks, pulled a garrote from his gauntlet, and began to choke Banks. Banks, however, managed to grab his blaster and fired, the bolt ricocheting off the turbines and striking the back of Ghost's head, killing him instantly.

Subsequently, Banks deactivated Ghost's bombs and donned his painted helmet before contacting Kishpaugh, falsely claiming that the mission was successful. When Kishpaugh arrived in a shuttle to retrieve him, he realized that Banks was not Ghost, but it was too late. The clone overpowered the commander and placed him under arrest. Although Banks faced a military tribunal, his actions were deemed justified, and he was reassigned to a new unit under the command of Jedi General Bultar Swan.

