- Legends
To take advantage of the large number of injured soldiers in the time after the Clone Wars and during the Rebellion era, TelBrinTel developed the GHT-series Medevac unit, which is also referred to as the GHT medevac droid.
This quick droid was made to find injured soldiers during battle. It could either treat their injuries where they were, or move the soldier to a nearby medical center. This droid was not a real medical droid, it could only diagnose the soldier's injuries and give very basic first aid.
A problem with the GHT series was that the location of each injured soldier needed to be put right into the droid's brain before it could find them. Later versions had auto-map software added to help speed up the rescue.
The Galactic Empire didn't want these droids, preferring proper medical droids. Because of this, most of the GHT droids ended up being used by mercenaries and the Rebel Alliance.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel forces mainly used the GHT units. Soldiers had medical transponders that, when turned on, would "call" a GHT to come help them. The Empire tried to stop the droids by sending out fake transponder signals in areas. When the droids got there, Imperial marksmen would destroy them. Churhee's Riflemen used GHT medevac droids to save their injured soldiers.