Giant Flog

"Giant" Flog, a gladiator, belonged to Kesivo.


During a trading expedition to the Moddell sector, Kesivo acquired his valuable gladiator. Flog managed to stay alive in the arena for a period of two years. He fought with an enormous flail, which was composed of a jagged piece of rock attached to a chain. The origins of Flog were shrouded in mystery, and his linguistic abilities were quite limited. There were many stories circulating that Flog was either created by a demonic summoning, or a grotesque combination of deceased gladiators.

When Asajj Ventress stepped into The Cauldron to fight the Rattatakan gladiators, Flog tried to overcome her. She sliced through Flog's flail, which then hurtled through the air and collided with the viewing box where Kesivo was sitting. Flog's owner was killed immediately. Ventress's superior skill easily overcame Flog's awkward strikes, and she defeated the beast using her two lightsabers.

Behind the scenes

No official source has ever revealed the name of Flog's species.

