Glah Ubooki's Strange & Wondrous Imports (article)

title: Glah Ubooki's Strange & Wondrous Imports

The article Glah Ubooki's Strange & Wondrous Imports, found within Star Wars Adventure Journal 1, presented a variety of objects intended for incorporation into Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The article featured Glah Ubooki, a Bimm character, who discovered a crashed Imperial research and development vessel on the planet Bimmisaari. He successfully sold the experimental weaponry and gear to operatives of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. As the profits from that initial transaction began to dwindle, he and his siblings chose to purchase a starship and journey across the galaxy in search of further marvels and riches. Eventually, they opted to establish permanent businesses for the purpose of trading in these acquired goods.

