
Glorga was a criminal overlord of the Hutt species, operating out of Hollast Seven within the Hollastin system. Kiran Tatch, a Tunroth who was once in his employ, grew to despise the Hutt's actions. Ultimately, Tatch showed his contempt by spitting on Glorga. Despite this act of disrespect, Glorga merely demanded Tatch's departure from the Hollastin system; the fact that the Tunroth wasn't killed highlights the influence he wielded within the organization.

Lanish Ran, Thom Clessigan, Tirsan the Esoomian, and Nakaron, a Trandoshan mercenary, were all part of Glorga's entourage. During the Second Hollastin Insurrection, several smugglers saw an opportunity to attempt Glorga's downfall. A firefight ensued, resulting in the deaths of Glorga's Gamorrean bodyguards, his Bith band, and Tirsan. Nakaron and Ran successfully defended against the attack, saving Glorga's life.

This event led Nakaron to suspect Ran of being an Imperial operative, and he tried to convince Glorga of his suspicions. Glorga dismissed Nakaron's claims and banished him from the Hollastin system. Enraged by this, Nakaron assassinated Glorga with a blaster at close range.


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