
Gosden held the rank of captain within the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, a conflict that pitted the Empire against the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Before its annihilation during the Battle of Yavin, Gosden was stationed on the Empire's DS-1 Orbital Battle Station.

Gosden, a Human male, possessed a height of 1.8 meters. His primary ambition was to advance the Imperial [New Order](/article/new_order/legends]. He was knowledgeable in bureaucracy and technically skilled in security protocols. This captain carried a blaster pistol and a comlink, and he was attired in the standard Imperial officer's uniform along with a rank insignia plaque, a cap, and an Imperial officer's disc.

Behind the scenes

The character of Gosden originated in 1989 within the initial edition of Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope, a resource book published by West End Games for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The visual depiction of Gosden was subsequently reused to portray Lieutenant Venka, another Imperial officer, in the first edition of Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, another sourcebook from West End Games that was released in the same year.


  • Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope (First mentioned)

Notes and references
