Venka, a Human male officer, served within the ranks of the Imperial Navy during the peak years of the Galactic Civil War. Born on Coruscant, the Imperial throne world, and a native of that world, Venka's upbringing was characterized by privilege as the son of a prosperous industrialist. He received education at a long standing military academy situated in the Core Worlds, where his influential connections were instrumental in achieving top honors upon graduation.
Following the Empire's devastating loss at the Battle of Yavin, a surge of promotions occurred among non-commissioned personnel, including Venka, to compensate for the significant loss of officers in the destruction of the Death Star battle station. Leveraging his connections from the academy, Venka secured a distinguished position aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor, which served as the personal flagship of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord. This appointment occurred when Venka was just twenty-seven years old. By the year 3 ABY, Venka held the rank of lieutenant, serving on the Executor's bridge under the command of Captain Firmus Piett.
After Vader killed Admiral Kendal Ozzel, who was the Executor's commanding officer, due to incompetence during the Battle of Hoth, Piett assumed command of the Executor's admiralty. However, despite this, Piett declined to promote Venka to captain, stating that the remainder of the Hoth campaign would serve as an evaluation of Venka's leadership capabilities. Although Venka harbored resentment towards Piett for this decision, he remained committed to performing his duties to the best of his ability. At the conclusion of the Hoth campaign, which resulted in the escape of the Rebel Alliance and Luke Skywalker, Vader's son, Piett ultimately granted Venka his promotion to captain.
A Human male, Venka was a native born on the galactic capital planet of Coruscant. His birth took place around 24 BBY, during the Separatist Crisis that gave rise to the Clone Wars and eventually the formation of the Galactic Empire. He enjoyed a pampered existence as the son of a wealthy industrialist. His formal military education began at one of the Core Worlds' most venerable and prestigious training academies, where his privileged background and connections helped him to graduate at the top of his class.
The Rebel Alliance's success in destroying the first Death Star battle station at the Battle of Yavin created a power vacuum within the Imperial ranks, presenting opportunities for advancement. Venka was among the many non-commissioned officers who were promoted to fill the positions of the numerous officers killed in the Death Star disaster. At the age of twenty-seven standard years, he was assigned to the Super Star Destroyer Executor, the Imperial Navy's leading command ship and the personal flagship of the Dark Lord Darth Vader. Though Venka worked diligently to secure a transfer to the Executor, it was the connections he made during his academy days that ultimately led to his prestigious assignment.
Lieutenant Venka served as a bridge officer on the Executor under the command of Captain Firmus Piett. In 3 ABY, the ongoing Galactic Civil War brought the Executor and the rest of Vader's Star Destroyer fleet, the Imperial Death Squadron, to the Hoth system, where the Rebel Alliance maintained a secret base. At the start of the Battle of Hoth, Vader executed Admiral Kendal Ozzel, the Executor's commanding officer, for his tactical errors and promoted Piett to admiral to lead the fleet. As a result, much of the Executor's operational responsibilities fell to Venka. However, to Venka's dismay, Piett denied him a corresponding promotion to captain, declaring that the remainder of the Hoth campaign would be a test of his command skills. Despite resenting Piett for this slight, Venka committed himself to fulfilling his duties to the best of his ability.

The Battle of Hoth led Vader's fleet into the Hoth asteroid field as they pursued the Rebel fugitives Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa aboard Solo's starship, the Millennium Falcon. Dissatisfied with his crew's failure to capture the Rebel fugitives after their escape from Hoth, Vader summoned six bounty hunters to the Executor to accomplish what the Imperials could not: capture the elusive Millennium Falcon. Upon their arrival, Venka directed the diverse group to await Vader on the bridge, dismissively referring to them as "civilians." Piett cautioned Venka to closely monitor the bounty hunters, as they were all notorious killers. Together, Venka and Piett observed the hunters from a distance, assessing their past achievements and potential for violence, especially the infamous Boba Fett.
A tense atmosphere filled the Executor's bridge as the bounty hunters waited for Vader. The Executor's crew felt uneasy in their presence, particularly Piett, who voiced his concerns to Venka while Venka was working alongside Commander Brandei, the Executor's TIE operations officer, in the bridge's port-side crewman pit. However, Venka temporarily eased Piett's worries by informing him that the Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger, which was at the forefront of the fleet, had sent a priority signal indicating that Solo and the Millennium Falcon had been located.
Despite the Millennium Falcon's subsequent escape from the Avenger and the Executor in the Anoat system, Vader's fleet once again caught up with the Rebels above the planet Bespin. As the Executor closed in on the Millennium Falcon, Venka was tasked with organizing a boarding party to capture the Rebels onboard, including Luke Skywalker, Vader's son and the Dark Lord's true objective. However, the Millennium Falcon unexpectedly jumped into hyperspace to evade the Executor's pursuit, making Venka's arrangement of the boarding party his last act as lieutenant. Following this, Piett, realizing how fortunate he was to avoid execution at Vader's hand for allowing the Rebels to escape, finally promoted Venka to captain. Later, command of the Executor passed from Venka to Captain Kallic, who assumed temporary command of Vader's flagship after the Hoth campaign.
Lieutenant Venka harbored secret resentment towards Firmus Piett for his decision to withhold a promotion to captain after Piett himself was promoted to admiral. Venka questioned Piett's true capabilities, believing that Piett's elevation was simply a matter of being next in line for the Executor's admiralty. Nevertheless, when faced with the Hoth campaign as a test of his own command abilities, Venka dedicated himself to performing his duties to the best of his ability. Venka possessed light skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and a height of 1.8 meters.
Venka had knowledge of Imperial Navy bureaucracy as well as planetary systems. He had mechanical ability in capital ship piloting and technical proficiency in capital ship repair.
During the Hoth campaign, Lieutenant Venka wore the standard-issue Imperial officer's uniform while serving aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor. His equipment included a blaster pistol and comlink.
The 1989 first edition of the West End Games sourcebook Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, written by Michael Stern for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, introduced Lieutenant Venka. The text uses Venka as an example of a standard Star Destroyer officer and provides the character with basic roleplaying statistics. The illustration used for Venka was the same image used to represent Captain Gosden in the first edition of the Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope sourcebook, also from West End Games, in the same year. The July 1996 second edition of Galaxy Guide 3 features a comprehensive profile for Venka, including a detailed character background as part of a major expansion on the text by Pablo Hidalgo.
However, Galaxy Guide 3 did not specifically identify Venka as any character appearing in the film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. The "Lieutenant Venka" card from the April 1997 Dagobah Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game was the first source to identify Venka as the Imperial officer in the film who informs Admiral Piett that the Executor has received a priority signal from the Star Destroyer Avenger during the search for the Millennium Falcon. According to fan sites, actor Robin Scobey, credited in The Empire Strikes Back as one of five "Other Officers" in the Imperial Forces, played the Venka character. 2010's The Price of Victory, an expansion of the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game, included an Avenger card. The card features a quote by Warrant Officer M'Kae, even though the line is said by Venka in the Empire Strikes Back film.
In The Empire Strikes Back novelization, Piett's complaint about the bounty hunters is directed at "one of Vader's captains;" Venka's rank was later established as lieutenant. The same officer appears in the unabridged script for The Empire Strikes Back radio drama, but his scene was cut from the final version.
Although the second edition of Galaxy Guide 3 states that Venka was Piett's immediate successor as captain of the Executor, some sources neglect to mention Venka's involvement. The New Essential Guide to Characters from 2002 and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia from 2008 identify Captain Kallic as Piett's direct successor, omitting any reference to Venka.
Conversely, The Official Star Wars Fact File 89 and the Admiral Piett character entry in the now-defunct Databank accurately portray Venka's relationship to Kallic in the Executor's captaincy lineage, acknowledging that Kallic eventually succeeded Venka.