The Goshyn Detention Center, a prison operated by the Galactic Empire, was an asteroid situated within the Goshyn system. This system resided in the Tolonda sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. This asteroid functioned as a jail some years prior to 9 ABY.
At approximately this time, Billey, a Human smuggler, suffered severe injuries during a clash with an Imperial Customs cruiser, leading to his capture and subsequent imprisonment at the Goshyn Detention Center. Upon awakening in the asteroid's medical bay, he learned that medical droids believed a cybernetic replacement of his spine and lung system was the only way to effectively heal him. Billey declined this procedure and his health deteriorated throughout his term. Despite his physical decline, Billey's spirit remained unbroken, and following his release from the Goshyn Detention Center, he quickly went back to his smuggling activities.
The Goshyn Detention Center made its debut in The Last Command Sourcebook, a roleplaying game supplement released in 1994. This sourcebook, designed for use with West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, was written by Eric Trautmann. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, pinpointed the Goshyn system, and consequently the asteroid, within grid square Q-18.
- The Last Command Sourcebook (First mentioned)
- The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
- " The Smugglers Alliance " — Star Wars Gamer 3
- " Ships of the Smuggler's Alliance " — Star Wars Gamer 4
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia , Vol. I ("Billey")