Grand Dukha

The Grand Dukha, a structure situated in Nystao, served as the primary dukha for the Noghri and a gathering spot for the Dynasts. While mirroring the design of typical clan _dukha_s, the Grand Dukha was distinguished by its significantly larger size and the materials used in its construction. Its features included a roof made of silver-blue metal, support pillars crafted from black metal or stone, and a gray flagstone entrance terrace accessed by red-and-black marble steps. Unlike the clan _dukha_s, the Grand Dukha lacked any decorative carvings, which caused Leia Organa Solo to speculate that it may have been built by the Galactic Empire rather than the Noghri. The Common Room of Honoghr, containing the High Seat, was located within the Grand Dukha.

In 9 ABY, Leia was escorted to the Grand Dukha where she addressed the thirteen male dynasts. Her aim was to persuade them to break free from the Empire's control and to secure the release of Khabarakh from the public humiliation and imprisonment imposed by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

