Granit, a towering and powerfully built figure with a dark, shining beard, held the position of chieftain among the cave inhabitants. He was the individual who Stuart Zissu, C-3PO, R2-D2, and 4B-X came across while on Da'nor. His language was N'or, and he was always armed with a spear. In a game of space poker, Granit emerged victorious against Zissu, claiming both their azurite and sparing their lives. A force pike was stored in a corner of his dwelling.
Simultaneously, Granit operated as a Rebel agent, anticipating the arrival of Zissu, C-3PO, R2-D2, and 4B-X. His mission was to escort them to the clandestine Rebel headquarters situated on Romm. Concurrently, he spearheaded the effort to evacuate Alliance sympathizers from Delantine.