Great Amulet

The Great Amulets comprised a trio of Sith amulets fashioned by the Dark Jedi Exile Sorzus Syn. This occurred sometime following her arrival on Korriban around 6900 BBY. Syn's initial creation was the Muur Talisman, which she then presented as a gift to her Jen'jidai colleague, Karness Muur. The second amulet, known as the Dreypa Talisman, was specifically made for Baron Remulus Dreypa. Her chronicle indicates that Syn planned to create a third amulet for herself, although later Force practitioners remained unaware of the particulars surrounding its creation. Within the Book of Sith, Luke Skywalker wrote marginal notes expressing his wish that the Great Amulets, along with other similar relics, had not endured through the long centuries.


  • Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side

Notes and references
