Great Migration

The Great Migration profoundly affected the Killiks of Alderaan in ages long past. This occurrence is remembered as a primal memory, deeply ingrained within the hive mind. Thousands of years in the past, the Killiks initiated a massive departure from their original planet, venturing into the cosmos toward destinations unknown. Merely a few nests remained, dormant beneath the Castle Lands, entirely ignorant of what had befallen their departed relatives.

As the Colony journeyed through the vastness of space, they could not locate a single planet capable of sustaining their vast population. Consequently, they fractured into numerous nests, each charting its own course to survive and flourish. During the era of the Cold War, Joiner Dawn Herald Vector Hyllus sensed the deep primal memory of the Great Migration, envisioning immense spitcrete ships accompanied by clouds of Dartships emitting a sorrowful farewell tune. He would eventually seek authorization from Cipher Nine to undertake a voyage of discovery, aiming to locate the lost members of the Great Migration.

