The Great Ship was a unique nautical structure, a ship of immense proportions, akin to a city in size. Besides the abodes of the Dragon Lords, it stood as the sole man-made creation on Drexel.
Its origins lie with fugitives escaping the reach of the Galactic Republic, who suffered a crash landing on the aquatic world. Their wrecked spacecraft served as the foundation for the seagoing city, its size increasing dramatically as they gathered plant-like material from the ocean depths. After several decades on Drexel II, the castaways established their own civilization aboard this floating metropolis. They employed a Sonic jammer to disable incoming spacecraft, causing crashes and enabling them to loot the debris.
During the Battle of Drexel, the city-ship sustained damage, resulting in the triumph of the Dragon Lords over the city-ship inhabitants.
The dimensions of the city-ship were roughly equivalent to those of Crimson Jack's battlecruiser.