
Greej, a senior Near-Human of male gender, was once a captive of the Starhunter's Intergalactic Menagerie, however, he was liberated by Price Coby, Jann Tosh, together with his droids. Subsequently, he aided them in locating Ingey. Later, he accompanied Jann to the closest planet.


The Starhunters intended to trade him as an "unusual species" to alien entities residing in remote areas of the galaxy. After Jann Tosh, accompanied by R2-D2 and C-3PO, gained entry to the Academy, Greej, assisted by Coby, facilitated the return of all the captured beings to their respective homes.

Physical appearance

Greej's look resembled that of a Human, with the exception of his hands, which possessed only three fingers; this characteristic led to his categorization as a Near-Human. His features included dark blue eyes and brown hair. His attire consisted of a dark brown jump-suit, complemented by a tan vest and hat.

