Green Coruscant

Green Coruscant, a painting that visualized an altered version of the city-covered planet of Coruscant after 104 ABY, showcased expanses of greenery, wetlands, and trees. The artwork presented numerous cylindrical constructions suspended in the air, some featuring projecting tiers supporting towers. The illustration also included several multi-level structures on the surface.

The lower portion of the painting displayed a multitude of brightly colored vehicles like airspeeders, with some parked on platforms situated on the planet's surface. In the foreground, an elevated grassy space was visible, featuring a footpath bordered by slender trees and shrubs. A number of airspeeders were parked in this zone, and individuals were positioned on the path, observing the scenery. Approaching dark clouds were depicted in the painting's skyline.

Behind the scenes

"Celestia Galactica Photografica," a collection of in-universe illustrations by Ryan Church featured in the 2005 graphic novel Star Wars: Visionaries, included Green Coruscant.

