Grehollo sector

The Grehollo sector represented a sector of space. It was named after the Grehollo system, which was situated within the Manoe sector of the Mid Rim.

Behind the scenes

The 1990 roleplaying game supplement "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," authored by Glen Allison, featured the Grehollo sector. It appeared as a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games and was published in Voyages SF 13. The article specified that the Begali, Columus, Grehollo, Jedd, Jerijador, Kaelta, Nosken, and Tsukkia (referred to as "Tsuk" system in the original text) systems were located within the boundaries of the Grehollo sector.

Given that its publication occurred outside the official Lucas Licensing channels, the canonicity of this article within the Star Wars Legends continuity remained unconfirmed. The Online Companion, a supplement to the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, subsequently placed the Grehollo, Jerijador, Kaelta, Nosken, and Tsukkia systems in different sectors. Furthermore, the Online Companion assigned the Begali, Columus, and Jedd systems to distinct galactic regions. Therefore, this article operates under the assumption that the system placements described in Voyages SF 13 are no longer considered valid for any of the star systems mentioned.


Notes and references
