
The Greysor, a carnivorous, quadrupedal primate, originated from the planet Naboo. The Nabooian upper class frequently employed them in hunting expeditions and birding activities.

Greysor2-woswfg A domestic greysor. In the wild, greysors would engage in pack hunting, with groups ranging from 2 to 12 members. Their diet mainly consisted of rodents and shaaks, though they would occasionally consume deceased animals. When hunting, they relied more on their vision than their sense of smell. It was a known issue that wild greysors were often infested with fleas.

Several breeds of domesticated greysor existed, the most prevalent being stubtail, bounder, and manadept varieties. Domesticated greysors were usually housed in kennels; it was generally considered "unwise" to house greysors and twirrls together. Greysors were born individually. They would remain with their mother in burrows until reaching maturity, typically around four to six weeks of age.

Greysors possessed non-retractable claws, which were advantageous for swift running. Their aerodynamic tail helped with balance during high-speed movement.


  • The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide (First mentioned)
  • The Official Star Wars Fact File 106 (NAB 43-46: Naboo – Animals)
  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
