
The Twirrl was a meat-eating falcon-like species of mammal that was originally from Naboo.

Twirrls primarily consumed avians that lived on the plains, small rodents, and four-legged waterfowl found on Naboo. They were capable of taking down prey that was up to 10 percent larger than themselves. Berries were also part of their diet. Due to their sharp vision, accurate flight, and incredible diving speed, they were highly sought after by Human settlers for both sport and hunting. The aristocracy of Nabooian Humans trained and utilized Twirrls in a pastime called twirrling. Experienced human hunters knew it was unwise to house Greysors and Twirrls together, even if both had been domesticated.

During the spring season, males would establish territories and mate with any receptive females that happened to be in the area. They produced loud, high-pitched calls to mark their territory and attract mates. Females typically gave birth once or twice annually and were the only ones responsible for raising the young. Litters usually consisted of three to four offspring, which reached maturity at around four months of age.

Behind the scenes

The idea of nobles employing birds of prey for hunting closely mirrors the real-world practice of Falconry. This practice involves using birds like falcons and hawks to hunt smaller animals. While practiced globally in different forms, falconry was a particularly favored pastime among European nobles during the medieval period.

