
The grillik, a massive reptilian being, originated from the jungle-moon of Nallastia, a place also known for its dense jungle regions. Its body, long and slender, was supported by six powerful legs and protected by a coating of scales. The grillik's mouth was filled with a formidable array of three rows of razor-sharp teeth. These reptilian creatures are truly a sight to behold.

Although typically docile, grilliks exhibited fierce protectiveness over their territory, particularly against intruders nearing their nesting sites.

Quenelle, the Margravine, decreed capital death punishment for anyone caught poaching the indigenous animals of Nallastia.

In the year 23 BBY, a young Jedi Padawan named Anakin Skywalker, then 18 years old, experienced a crash landing in the verdant foothills surrounding Mount Octan on Nallastia. He was piloting a CloakShape fighter that he had "borrowed" from Senator Rodd while undertaking a mission to Fondor.

During his initial evening on Nallastia, close to the edge of the jungle where his camp was located, Skywalker encountered a wild grillik. He engaged the creature in combat, ultimately forcing it back into the thick jungle foliage, escaping with minor injuries and the parting words: "Let that be a lesson to you."

