Grond was a Human who held the rank of lieutenant within the Military forces of the Galactic Empire. Originating from the planet of Corellia, a Corellian by birth, Grond spent his younger years as a swoop racer before enlisting in the Imperial Military. By 4 ABY, he found himself stationed on the Forest Moon of Endor. During that year, he was present awaiting the impending arrival of both the Sith Lord Darth Vader and the Emperor Palpatine on the second Death Star, which was in orbit around the moon. Soon after, Grond participated in the Battle of Endor, where he played a role in directing the defense of the Death Star's shield generator bunker.

The Human named Grond was native to the planet of Corellia, where he spent his formative years in the sport of swoop racing. Sometime during the events of the Galactic Civil War, he became a member of the Emperor's Demonstration Team, a specialized group within the Galactic Empire's military. By the time of 4 ABY, he had risen to the rank of lieutenant and served as a scout, acting as an aide to Colonel Dyer. Dyer was instrumental in overseeing the defenses of the second Death Star's shield generator bunker located on the Forest Moon of Endor.
In that year, Grond was among those awaiting the arrival of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, on the Death Star as it was orbiting the moon. Upon Vader's arrival, he instructed Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod, the commander of the station, to expedite the construction of the superweapon. Shortly thereafter, Grond stood alongside Vader and other Imperial officers in one of the Death Star's hangar bays, anticipating the arrival of Emperor Palpatine aboard the battle station. A short time afterward, Grond participated in the Battle of Endor on the forest moon, where he organized scout trooper patrols and coordinated both scout movements and the actions to help lead the Imperial defense of the shield generator. Despite these efforts, the Rebel Alliance successfully destroyed both the generator and the Death Star battle station.
Grond's physical appearance included fair skin and brown [hair](/article/hair-legends].
During his service as a lieutenant, Grond was seen wearing the standard black uniform and cap of an Imperial Navy crewman.
The character Grond initially appeared as one of the Imperial extras—played by Rodney Cardiff (uncredited, according to actor Kenneth Coombs)—awaiting Darth Vader's arrival on the second Death Star at the beginning of the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. He was given a name and a brief backstory on a card from the 1999 Endor Limited expansion set of Decipher's Star Wars Customizable Card Game.
According to a photo taken on set and first displayed on a card for 1983 Topps Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Series 1, the intention was for Grond to appear in at least one additional scene in Return of the Jedi. He would have been among the extras standing in a docking bay alongside Vader and Jerjerrod, awaiting Palpatine's arrival on the Death Star.
In the 1997 Special Edition release of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, footage showing Darth Vader's arrival aboard the second Death Star from the opening scene of Return of the Jedi was repurposed. It was used to depict Vader arriving aboard his flagship, the Executor Executor-class Star Dreadnought, following his duel with Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker on the planet Bespin. As a result of this scene's inclusion, Rodney Cardiff can be seen aboard the Executor alongside other extras who portrayed the Imperial officers at the start of Return of the Jedi.