The Gungenineeren represented a group of Gungan engineers and technicians whose expertise lay in underwater operations. Their usual duties included the upkeep and creation of the organic bubble wort and hydrostatic bubbles that formed the basis of Gungan cities. When necessary, they were also capable of handling a variety of different jobs.
In 32 BBY, during the Occupation of Theed, Boss Nass tasked a small team, led by Koh Pa Wupps, with recovering a Trade Federation Multi-Troop Transport from the Solleu River floor. As they worked to recover the MTT, a trio of tribubble bongos, manned by Naboo Resistance members, served as protection from a juvenile, orphaned colo claw fish that continuously assaulted their work site.
Transport 714, the MTT in question, secretly carried Queen Padmé Amidala along with her troops to a concealed entry point at the bottom of the cliff beneath Theed. From there, they infiltrated the city and ultimately took it back.