
The Halleck served the Republic Navy as an Acclamator-class assault ship during the Clone Wars. During a mission to rescue Depa Billaba, his Padawan learner, on Haruun Kal, it was assigned to Jedi Master Mace Windu. While attempting to extract Windu from Haruun Kal, the vessel faced a significant assault, compelling it to retreat into hyperspace and return to the safety of the Galactic Republic.


This Acclamator-class assault ship named Halleck, constructed by Rothana for the Republic Navy, possessed a complement of twenty Jadthu-class landing ships, five LAAT gunships, and six Delta-7 Aethersprite-class interceptors.


In 22 BBY during the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Mace Windu was assigned the Halleck for his mission to locate and extract his Padawan, Depa Billaba, who was situated on the Mid Rim world of Haruun Kal. While Windu proceeded to Haruun Kal alone, the ship remained stationed in the Ventran system. Following Windu's success in locating Billaba, he summoned the Halleck for extraction. As the Halleck approached and deployed a Jadthu-class landing ship to retrieve Windu, it was ambushed by Separatist droid starfighters that were hidden within a nearby asteroid belt.

The ambush began with the destruction of the extraction lander, followed by a concentrated attack on the Halleck itself. One of the droid fighters collided with the bridge, severely injuring the captain, Trent, and decimating the fighter escort. Consequently, the Halleck began to sustain significant damage. Urhal, the commander, assumed command and received instructions from Master Windu to release the remaining landers and dispatch them to the surface of Haruun Kal. Despite Urhal's concerns that the landers lacked hyperdrives and would be unable to evacuate Windu from the system without a carrier ship, he followed the order to deploy them. Subsequently, the Halleck jumped to hyperspace, seeking the safety of Republic space.

Behind the scenes

Matthew Stover's 2003 novel, Shatterpoint, marked the first appearance of the Halleck. While the novel described it as a "Republic medium cruiser," the 2005 reference book The New Essential Chronology established it as an Acclamator-class assault ship. An inaccurate detail appears in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which incorrectly states that the ship delivered Windu to Haruun Kal and was subsequently attacked and destroyed by several Separatist warships.

