
Urhal was a commander in the Republic Navy during the era of the Clone Wars. He was positioned on the Republic warship named Halleck. In the year 21 BBY, Commander Urhal served on the cruiser Halleck which was in orbit around Haruun Kal during the battle there. When a group of droid fighters launched an assault on the Halleck, the ship's commander, Trent, sustained injuries, leading Urhal to assume command of the vessel. Following instructions from Jedi Master Mace Windu, Urhal dispatched the Halleck's contingent of landers and gunships, and subsequently instructed the warship to leave the system, although he initially expressed doubt regarding Windu's directives.

Behind the scenes

Urhal's initial introduction occurred via comlink in Shatterpoint, a novel penned by Matthew Stover in 2003.

