During the initial years of the Galactic Empire, the smuggler known as Han Solo came to possess an apartment. This residence was situated in the Corellian Sector of Nar Shaddaa, a moon. While visiting Nar Shaddaa, Solo, along with his partner Chewbacca, would frequently stay at this apartment. However, after Solo began a relationship with Salla Zend, a mechanic, he often chose to reside at her place instead. Consequently, he permitted his associate, Jarik Solo, to occupy the apartment in his absence, mainly to provide companionship for Chewbacca. After winning ZZ-4Z, a housekeeping droid, from the smuggler Mako Spince in a card game, Solo assigned the droid the task of maintaining his apartment. Nevertheless, he soon considered the droid a bothersome presence, hindering his own efforts to keep the place in order.
Later, Solo made the decision to join the Rebel Alliance, thus ending his career as a smuggler. He then abandoned his apartment for a number of years. During his time away, ZZ-4Z failed to maintain the cleanliness of the apartment. In 10 ABY, Solo, accompanied by his wife Leia, returned to the apartment, hoping to retrieve some power couplings he had stored there. However, Mako Spince betrayed his former acquaintance by informing Boba Fett and Dengar, two bounty hunters seeking to claim a bounty placed on Solo by the Hutts, that Solo was on Nar Shaddaa. Subsequently, Spince and the two hunters set up a stakeout at the apartment, awaiting Solo's arrival. Upon Solo and his wife entering the apartment, a gunfight quickly erupted between them and the bounty hunters. ZZ-4Z was destroyed amidst the crossfire, leading the Solos to flee into the streets of Nar Shaddaa, closely pursued by Dengar and Fett.