Jarik Solo, a street kid originating from Nar Shaddaa, professed to be a distant relation of Han Solo. It was quickly revealed to Han that this was false; however, Han took a liking to the boy. Perhaps due to Jarik's abilities, his adoring attitude toward Han, or compassion for his history, Han permitted Jarik to accompany him on his escapades. Before long, Jarik evolved into a skilled gunner on both the Bria and the Millennium Falcon. Briefly, Jarik held a position as a mechanic on Nar Shaddaa and also participated in a minor capacity during the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, where he shot down several TIE/LN starfighters. Jarik accompanied Han to aid him, and the Rebels, during the Battle of Ylesia. Suffering critical injuries, and on the verge of dying, he confessed that he was not related to Han Solo and expressed his regret. Nevertheless, Han allowed the boy to retain his adopted surname, stating that he had earned it a long time ago.