Harburik, a lieutenant within the stormtrooper ranks, was a male Human serving the Imperial forces. He was posted to Mos Eisley during the era of the Galactic Civil War. He thought highly of the CSPL-12 projectile launcher. In his role as Chief of Police, Harburik represented the authority of the Empire and its laws within the starport.

Like many individuals in positions of power within the Empire, Harburik was a believer in Humanocentric ideals. He held a particular dislike for Eugene Talmont, the Imperial Prefect, due to Talmont's willingness to cooperate with, or even accept bribes from, aliens, most notably Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Harburik's ambition was to eventually take the Prefect's place, possibly through a carefully arranged "accident." When reports came in that some of his troopers were missing after the Attack on Centa Sohan's sailbarge, Harburik simply assumed they had perished in a gravel storm.
Harburik was always eager to be involved in both interrogations and investigations. These actions brought him the ire of the Hutts, and also the disapproval of his own superiors. The majority of Harburik's subordinates did not have a favorable view of him.