
The Hellhoop was a region of space located in the Expansion Region, specifically within the Hocatar sector and in proximity to the planet known as Attahox. Encircling this area was a dangerous asteroid belt, and the Hellhoop was infamous for its sinister reputation. Many ships that dared to venture into it vanished without a trace. The reality behind these disappearances was that the ships were seized by the Five, a malevolent cult that practiced the worship of evil. These cultists subjected their captives to torture and death. This menace was brought to an end during the period of the Galactic Civil War, when the Five captured prominent Rebel figures such as Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Leia Organa. Chewbacca managed to liberate Wutzek, a Force demon who had been held captive. Wutzek unleashed chaos upon the Five's warship, slaughtering those who had previously tormented him. Subsequently, Wutzek facilitated the Rebels' escape and obliterated the warship.

Behind the scenes

In The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, there is an error; it incorrectly asserts that Wutzek (with the misspelling Wuzzek) annihilated the Hellhoop. In actuality, Wutzek only destroyed the Five's warship.

