Herron Morvis

Herron Morvis was a highly impactful economist of note during both the era of the Restoration Period and the time of the Mandalorian Wars. He penned the Coruscant Financial Exchange Establishment Act in 3985 BBY, which provided assistance to the Galactic Republic in the reconstruction of its infrastructure after the ruin left by the Great Sith War. After the successful creation of the Coruscant Financial Exchange, he took on the role of its director.

His wife held the position of Senator representing Chandrila, and his offspring was Commander Dallan Morvis serving within the ranks of the Republic Navy.


  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Handbook (First mentioned)
  • Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
  • "KOTOR Campaign Guide Web Enhancement 2: Captain Dallan Morvis" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
