Hesperidium, a moon orbiting the galactic capital planet Coruscant, was one of four such satellites. This celestial body resided within the Coruscant system of the [Core Worlds](/article/core_worlds], specifically in the Coruscant subsector of the Corusca sector. Its location on the Standard Galactic Grid was designated as L-9. Intriguingly, the name also belonged to Hesperidium straight, a segment of the Dragonfire Circuit airspeeder racing track found on Coruscant.
Within the current Star Wars canon, the name Hesperidium appeared in the 2015 publication of Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon, specifically in its twenty-sixth issue. Conversely, in the now non-canonical Star Wars Legends timeline, Hesperidium made its debut in the 1997 novel Planet of Twilight, authored by Barbara Hambly.