Homing proton torpedo

Seeker proton torpedoes, alternatively referred to as homing proton torpedoes, were a type of proton torpedo equipped with the ability to lock onto targets. In the course of Red Squadron's withdrawal of scientists sympathetic to the Rebellion from Ralltiir, Luke Skywalker, having commandeered an All Terrain Scout Transport, made a quick stop while protecting the scientists to obtain some homing proton torpedoes. While extracting a Rebel squad from the world Fest, Rogue Squadron, in the process of destroying the Imperial Research Facility located there, took a side trip to acquire seeker proton torpedoes located near the main research complex. Subsequently, during Rogue Squadron's Attack on Sullust, the group eliminated a bunker situated near both a transmitter and a TIE launch area, discovering yet another cache of seeker proton torpedoes. During the land-based portion of the Conflict of Kothlis, Rogue Leader Wedge Antilles briefly departed from the main engagement to retrieve a container of homing proton torpedoes which he noticed on the remnants of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Motivator's command bridge.

