Hootkins (rebel pilot)

Hootkins, serving as a pilot for the Alliance to Restore the Republic, participated in the Galactic Civil War. He once patrolled in a B-wing starfighter alongside another, unnamed rebel pilot. While preparing to head back to base after a seemingly uneventful patrol, the other pilot noticed peculiar data on his starfighter's sensors. Despite Hootkins' initial lack of detection, the two pilots found themselves under attack as they began to retract their B-wings' S-foils. Both starfighters were subsequently obliterated.

Behind the scenes

The sole appearance of Hootkins occurred within a tech demo created for Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire, a video game developed by LucasArts. This brief video, initially intended to evaluate video production and compression techniques, was later released as a trailer for the game, bundled with other LucasArts products. Furthermore, it was incorporated into Rebel Assault II as an alternative introductory sequence, accessible by pressing the 'B', 'O', and 'T' keys while selecting "Continue Intro" from the game's main menu.

