Horodi was a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a pilot, flying on the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser called the Independence during the Galactic Civil War.
Captain Keyan Farlander, who was corrupted by the dark side, cultivated aggressive tendencies in Horodi and other inexperienced pilots, with the goal of forming a squadron of the Force-guided pilots that would be unbeatable against the Galactic Empire. Horodi was chosen by Farlander, together with Casal Marskan, to help him in a mission to take back a pair of CR90 corvettes that the Empire had seized. During this mission, Horodi and Marskan both perished; their X-wings were shot down in combat with enemy Assault Gunboats.
Because Farlander did not understand Force-sensitivity, he initially believed that their deaths demonstrated that the two pilots were not worthy of wielding the Force.