Ethar was the name given to a pair of CR90 corvettes utilized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the period known as the Galactic Civil War.
Not long after the Alliance forces successfully seized the Imperial Nebulon-B frigate called Priam, they discovered the location of the original Death Star I. Consequently, Ethar 1 and 2 were dispatched to investigate this finding. Upon arrival, they found that the Death Star had already departed, after obliterating the planet. Furthermore, Imperial forces had foreseen the Rebel's arrival and remained in the area, setting up a trap. The corvettes were rendered inoperable, and the Imperials sent boarding parties aboard Lambda-class shuttles, specifically Ceptor 1 and 2, to seize the corvettes, under the protection of Assault Gunboats.
At a later time, the Alliance launched a rescue operation. This operation was structured into three distinct waves. The first wave consisted of three X-wings from Red Squadron, piloted by Keyan Farlander, Casal Marskan and Horodi, who engaged the Gunboats. Three minutes subsequently, two groups of three Y-wings from Blue and Gold squadrons arrived, attempting to disable the corvettes. Six minutes following the arrival of the Y-wings, a pair of Lambda-class shuttles from Rogue group arrived with the objective of retaking the corvettes.
The Rebels were successful in their recapture of the corvettes; however, the resistance they encountered was greater than initially anticipated, resulting in significant losses. Both Marskan and Horodi were killed before the arrival of the Y-wings. Following the departure of the remaining Rebels into hyperspace, a communications error caused Farlander to receive a delayed mission completion message. Consequently, his X-wing was destroyed as he continued to fight the Gunboats alone. Farlander managed to eject from his fighter and was later rescued by Rebel forces.
According to mission statistics tables found within X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide, Ethar 2 is listed as being present in the mission titled "Defend the Independence". Its cargo is identified as "admiral," and its status at the mission's start is noted as "disabled." However, the ship is absent from the mission in both the game and the book's mission description, suggesting a possible error.