
Rogue consisted of two Lambda-class T-4a shuttles employed by the Alliance to Restore the Republic throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War.

Following the capture of the CR90 corvette group Ethar by the forces of the Galactic Empire in the vicinity of Despayre, the Alliance launched a mission to recover them. This mission was structured into three distinct waves. Initially, a trio of X-wings belonging to Red Squadron, piloted by Keyan Farlander, Casal Marskan and Horodi, appeared to engage the Gunboats. Subsequently, three minutes later, two groups, each composed of three Y-wings from Blue and Gold squadrons, arrived with the objective of rendering the corvettes inoperable. Six minutes subsequent to the arrival of the Y-wings, the Rogue group made its entrance to reclaim the corvettes.

As the fighter craft successfully held off the Imperial Assault Gunboats, the Rogue group managed to finalize their boarding procedure, enabling both the Rogue and Ethar groups to successfully escape into hyperspace.

